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Phlebotomy Catalog

The Nirvana Institute Inc.

South Campus: 

4650 S. King Drive. Chicago, IL. 60653

Office: 773.675.4000

Fax: 773.675.5631


West Campus:

2201 W. Madison Chicago, IL 60612 

Office: 312.796.3333 

Fax: 312.600.9239



-Term Healthcare Training “Knowledge and Education that Lasts a Lifetime”

Phlebotomy School Catalog 2021


 Philosophy, Mission & Vision


The philosophy of The Nirvana Institute is that every individual deserves quality healthcare regardless of age, race, religion, gender or ethnic origin. The Nirvana Institute Inc. was formed to assist with career goals and prepare students to meet the challenges of the future in healthcare by providing competent and compassionate care. It is The Nirvana Institute Inc. vision to create a culture of education, empowerment, knowledge and success for all students. As well as produce well trained, caring and dedicated graduates who will render quality healthcare services in various settings. The Nirvana Institute Inc. was formed in 2011 and we are dedicated to educating the community with the delivery of knowledge and quality healthcare training. The Nirvana Institute Inc. has received approval from the Illinois Board of Higher Education.



* Phlebotomy Technician Training Program - 90 Clock Hours

* Basic Nursing Assistant Training Program (CNA) - 120 Clock Hours


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -3 - Phlebotomy Course Description The Phlebotomy Technician Program combines classroom instruction with mock clinical experience. The Nirvana Institute Inc. was formed to assist with career goals and prepare students to meet the challenges of the future in healthcare by providing competent and compassionate care. We are dedicated to educating the community with the delivery of knowledge and quality healthcare. The Nirvana Institute Inc. will prepare students with the skills, education and experience needed to render competent and quality healthcare in various settings. The Phlebotomy Technician Training Program provides 90 hours of training which consists of basic knowledge and understanding of principles and  phlebotomy. The mandatory 90 hours required by The Nirvana Institute Inc. approved phlebotomy training program consists of 58 hours of theory and 32 hours of mock clinical. The education and training is obtained through 6 weeks of lecture, manual skills, and supervised clinical laboratory experience. Students who successfully complete the program are qualified to take the national certification examination.


Phlebotomy Course Outline:

● Introduction to Phlebotomy

● Discuss the role of a Phlebotomy Technician in the health care facilities and various settings

● Identify the Phlebotomy Technicians’ role working as a member of the health care team.

● Define and understand basic medical terminology, anatomy and physiology

● Specimen transport

● Infection Control and practice Standard Precautions

● Blood Borne Pathogens

● Special Procedures

● Demonstrate proper venipuncture techniques

● Capillary Collections

● Phlebotomy techniques

● Learn therapeutic techniques to assist patient/clients/residents and their families in managing anxieties, fears and behaviors

● Describe the ethical behavior of the Phlebotomy Technician and the law affecting the practice of the Phlebotomy Technicians

● Clinical lab procedures and sterile techniques

● Knowledge of patients/clients/residents’ rights.

● Demonstrate observational and documenting skills.

● Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -4 - Phlebotomy Admission Requirements and Prerequisites The Nirvana Institute Inc. accepts individuals regardless of age, race, religion, gender or ethnic origin. The Nirvana Institute Inc. does not offer short courses. All students must:

1. All students must be at least 17 years of age

2. Possess a High school diploma or GED equivalent

3. A valid social security number

4. Have a state ID or Driver’s license

5. Provide a current physical exam for workplace

6. Good visual acuity to distinguish colors


Phlebotomy Technician Training Program Program Description: This course is designed to provide the student with the skills to be accurate, work well with others under pressure and communicate effectively as part of the healthcare team. The student will obtain thorough knowledge of laboratory test requirements and departmental policies. The mock clinical portion of this program will use state of the art equipment of clinical proficiency in various blood drawing procedures. After course completion students are eligible for National Phlebotomy certification through the National Health career Association. TEXTBOOK: Phlebotomy Essentials 5th Edition: Robin S. Warekois & Richard Robinson ISBN-978-0-323-27940-6 AUTHOR: Robin S. Warekois & Richard Robinson PUBLISHER: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. COPYRIGHT: 2016, all rights reserved. Length of Program: 6 Week Course/90 Hours 58 Hours of Theory 32 Hours of Clinical


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -5 - Phlebotomy Tuition and Fees The tuition cost for the Phlebotomy Technician Training Program is $1800.00 (if paying out of pocket see below). The cost includes registration, lab jacket, tuition, textbooks and lab supplies. Additional Lab kits may be purchased for $80.00 per lab kit. Please Note that The NHA Certification exam is NOT covered in your tuition cost. The exam fee is $122.00 due prior to scheduling for the exam. Phlebotomy Technician Tuition and Payment Plans Course: Phlebotomy Technician Training Program Timeframe: 6 weeks (58 hours theory and 32 hours clinical) Theory/Clinical Class Days: Monday-Wednesday-Friday Day Hours: South Campus 9:00am – 2:00pm West Campus 8:00am – 1:00pm Evening Hours: South Campus 5:00pm – 10:00pm West Campus 4:00pm – 9:00pm Instructor: TBA COST OF SERVICES for processed payments ($1400.00 Out of pocket) Any deposits or down payments shall become part of the tuition. (Weekly or Bi-Weekly Payment Plan) Tuition: $1800.00 includes the following: Registration Fee: $ 700.00 Book Fee: $ 80.00 Tuition: $920.00 TOTAL $1800.00 Additional fees students must also pay: $40.00 CPR Card (Optional) – CASH ONLY $122.00 for State Board Exam-CC ONLY Students who are unable to pay tuition in full, may enter into a financial installment plan with The Nirvana Institute, Inc. There are two (2) available options for payment plans listed below: Plan #1 (Bi-Weekly) Down Payment (Upon Registration) $700.00 1st Installment (2nd week of the program) $350.00 2nd Installment (4th week of the program) $350.00 Plan #2 (Weekly) Down Payment (Upon Registration) $700.00 1st Installment (1st week of the program) $175.00 2nd Installment (2rd week of the program) $175.00 3rd Installment (3rd week of the program) $175.00 4th Installment (4th week of the program) $175.00 Payments are due every Friday (Weekly Payment Plan) or every other Friday (Bi-weekly Payment Plan). You will have the option to make your payment on Friday and the following Monday, however, a $25.00 late fee will be added for each of those days, NO EXCEPTIONS. Failure to make the tuition payment, will result in termination of the course. ***Due to credit card fraud, the last 2 payments for the weekly plan and the last payment for the bi-weekly plan MUST be made in CASH, MONEY ORDER or CASHIER’S CHECK!***


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -6 - Phlebotomy Academic Information Grading Scales: The Nirvana Institute Inc. will provide an acceptable standard in which to judge each student’s progress within the program. Laboratory skills will be graded with pass or fail. The following grading scale will be used for Exams, Homework Assignments and Final Exam: A= 100-93% (778-721 points) B= 92-86% (720-669 points) C= 85-82% (668-638 points) 19 Exams worth 493 points 19 Homework assignments 15 points each (285) Total possible points=778 Students MUST score at least 638 points from exams and homework Final Exam worth 100 points Students MUST score at least 82 points from Final Exam Lab skills will be graded by Pass/Fail. All students must be proficient in the lab to complete the course. Total Performance: 50 Venipuncture sticks and 20 Capillary sticks for proficiency. Attendance/Make-Up Policy This is an accelerated, fast paced and intense course, which does not allow for tardiness or absenteeism. 100 percent class attendance is expected from all students. If an emergency arises the student is expected to make arrangements for ALL missed hours to be made up at the end of the program. There is only ONE (1) day allowed for missed hours to be made up which totals 5 hours. If a student is not able to make up all hours missed during the scheduled make-up day (5 hours total) the student will be dropped from the program. Missed hours must be made up in order to complete the required number of hours stipulated by the program. An absence due to illness will have to be supported by a doctor’s statement. If any student misses more than one (1) day of class without a physician’s statement, the student will be automatically dropped from the program. For missed theory hours arrangements must be made with the instructor and will be completed on the last Friday of the program. Scheduling of another day of duty must be arranged to make up any missed clinical portion of the program. If a missed theory or clinical portion of the program is not made up and the student is not able to complete the required number of hours for both classroom and clinical instructions, the student will not be able to complete the program. Excessive tardiness will not be tolerated. If a student is more than5 minutes late for class, it will count as one absence. Students should NOT be more than 5 minutes late for class. Clinical make-up hours will be held during lab hours. Prior arrangements must be made with your instructor for accommodations. Depending on enrollment ratio, facility and instructor availability this make-up may be done during the following session, which may interfere with the student being eligible to sit for the originally scheduled National Certification Exam date. The date and time will be determined by an authorized school official. ***MAKE UP HOURS LAST FRIDAY OF COURSE ONLY: South Campus 9:00am - 9:30pm or West Campus 8:00am - 8:30pm


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -7 - Academic Calendar Classes meet continuously throughout the year except for the following observed holidays: • New Year’s Day (January 1st ) • Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) • Independence Day (4th of July) • Labor Day (1st Monday of September) • Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday of Nov) • Christmas Day (25th of December) Exceptions If in the event of bad weather conditions or emergencies out of the control of the instructors or training facilities, a make-up class will be scheduled. The student will be given the make-up date as early as possible in order to adjust their schedules accordingly. Code of Conduct Students must adhere to a strict code of conduct and generally accepted social standards, forbidding the use of drugs/alcohol, theft, dishonesty, defacement of property, use of foul language and physical/mental abuse of other students, staff and residents. Any student showing evidence of mental/psychological disorder or found threatening co-students, instructor or staff will be dealt with by full force of the law. It is our duty to provide students, clients and the community with the most respectful and safest environment as possible. Violators are subject to immediate dismissal from the school. The Nirvana Institute Inc. reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct or attendance does not meet The Nirvana Institute Inc., policies. A student can be dismissed if he/she has been absent for more than 1 day of the required class hours in the applied course, or has been involved in conduct disruptive to the education process or to school or office property, or has not paid tuition payments per payment contract as agreed. A student who has been dismissed can apply for new enrollment after 60 days. The Nirvana Institute Inc., reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course due to low or insufficient enrollment. When this occurs, The Nirvana Institute Inc., will notify the student before the first day of class and will reschedule the course accordingly.


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -8 - Rules of the Laboratory 1. All students must wear lab coats while working during lab 2. Students are not allowed to utilize or operate cell phones during lab hours 3. Every student must adhere to standard precautions 4. Students are NOT permitted to take any supplies away from the school 5. Students are forbidden to practice blood drawing procedures beyond the classroom 6. Any student utilizing the lab for practice or skills enhancement must receive approval from an authorized school official prior to lab use. 7. Students are not to remove items from the laboratory 8. After use of all sharps the student must dispose of items properly in the biohazard containers 9. Fingernails are to be short and clean 10. During lab all students must wear their hair tied back 11. Only studded earrings and/or a wedding band are allowed to be worn during lab Rules of the Classroom Students please read over ALL Classroom and Lab/Clinical rules thoroughly. These rules are strictly enforced by every staff member and instructor of Nirvana Institute Inc. 12. Cell phones are NOT allowed to be VISIBLE at all during class! If you must make a call or text, you must step out of the class, but not during testing. IF YOU STEP OUT OF THE CLASS FOR LONGER THAN FIVE(5) MINUTES YOUR NAME WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE ATTENDANCE LIST AND YOU WILL BE MARKED ABSENT. Please refer to the attendance policy. 13. If your instructor notices a student cellphone VISIBLE at ANY time during the class the student will be exited from the class on that day. The student must make up the missed hours as stipulated by the program. 14. All cell phones must remain silent during theory, lab and clinical. 15. Guests and children are absolutely forbidden in classrooms and hallways at any and all time. 16. All students must behave in a courteous and professional manner, profanity is prohibited. 17. Sleeping is not permitted during class time (This includes laying your head down) 18. Students are NOT allowed to leave early before the class ends or it will constitutes as one (1) absence 19. Students are forbidden to adjust the thermostat in the classroom, please notify your instructor for temp adjustments 20. Pregnant students MUST seek permission from the physician before taking the Phlebotomy Training course 21. Pregnant students must understand that they will be expected to adhere to same duties as other students 22. All students MUST remain seated during testing. Use the bathroom before and after testing 23. Grades are given out EVERY Friday. Every student must maintain an 82% weekly 24. Homework is to be completed at home only and not during class time 25. Homework is due at the start of class ONLY 26. Students must use and print their full name on all assignments 27. Excessive talking is forbidden during lab or theory 28. Students should eat before coming to class, food and drinks (except water) is not permitted in the classroom 29. Plagiarism/copying or cheating from another students test, homework, handouts, worksheets, project or any other assignments will NOT be tolerated. If a student is found engaging in any of these activities, the student will be automatically dropped from the program.


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -9 - HIPPA PRIVACY RULE The HIPPA Privacy Rule was finalized in August 2002. It is part of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA) that was enacted by congress in 1996. The Privacy Rule Establishes a set of national standards for the protection of certain health information. The HIPPA Privacy Rule does the following: • Impose restrictions on use and disclosure of personal health information • Gives patients greater access to their medical records • Gives patients greater protection of their medical records A major goal of the Privacy Rule is to assure that individuals’ health information is properly protected while allowing the flow of health information needed to provide and promote high quality health care and to protect the public’s health and well-being. The Rule strikes a balance that permits important uses of information, while protecting the privacy of people who seek care healing. The Privacy Rule applies to healthcare providers, health plans, or healthcare clearinghouses. These are called “covered entities.” A covered entity may not use or disclose protected health information, except either: (1) as the Privacy Rule permits or requires; or (2) as the individual who is the subject of the information (or the individual’s personal representative) authorizes in writing. Transcripts A student may request in writing a copy verifying course completion. The student must allow seven (7) business days to pick up the request in person only. The Nirvana Institute, Inc. offers a certification only program and therefore no official grade transcripts are accessed. No request will be mailed unless a student requesting proof of course completion is located out of town. The student will receive a certificate of completion signed by the Chief Managing Officer and stamped with the school official seal. A copy of this certificate will be integrated in the student’s file. The following are the criteria for the issuance of certificates: ● The student successfully completes the required classroom instruction part of the program ● The student completes all the required clinical training portion of the course ● The student shall have all the tuition and other fees paid in full before any certificate or records are released or issued ● The student shall pass the course with grade no less than 82% ● The cost of a transcript that will be picked up is $20.00. It will be $25.00 if the transcript is mailed out within the U.S.


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”


Page | -10 - WITHDRAWAL FROM COURSES, REFUNDS, DISMISSAL AND CANCELLED CLASSES The Nirvana Institute Inc. allows student withdrawal from courses, by letter addressed to the school. Failing to attend classes or notifying the instructor does not constitute an authorized withdrawal from courses. Upon processing the withdrawal, the tuition charge will be reduced according to the terms and conditions of the Nirvana Institute Inc. Refund Policy: 1. The school shall, when a student gives written notice of cancellation, provide a refund in the amount of at least the following: a. When notice of cancellation is given before the first day of the program, a full refund of any deposit, minus the registration fee of $250 shall be refunded to the student; an authorized school official will give the student a copy of a notice as my receipt to cancel the course providing us with a signature and date of the cancellation request. 2. Deposits or down payments shall become part of the tuition. 3. All student refunds shall be made by the school within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the student’s cancellation. 4. A student must give notice of cancellation to the school in writing before the first day of the program. The unexplained absence of a student for more than one (1) school day shall constitute constructive notice of cancellation to the school, and will not receive a refund. For purposes of cancellation the date shall be the last day of attendance. 5. A school must refund any book and materials fees when: (a) The book and materials are returned to the school unmarked; (b) The student has provided the school with a notice of cancellation. The Nirvana Institute Inc. reserves the right to dismiss any student whose conduct or attendance does not meet The Nirvana Institute Inc.’s policies. A student can be dismissed if he/she has been absent for more than 10% of the required classes in the applied courses, or has been involved in conduct disruptive to the education process or to school or office property, or has not paid tuition payments as agreed. A student who has been dismissed can apply for new enrollment. The Nirvana Institute Inc. reserves the right to cancel or postpone any course due to low or insufficient enrollment. When this occurs, The Nirvana Institute Inc. will notify the students before the first class meeting and will reschedule courses accordingly.


“The Nirvana Institute Inc., is approved/accredited by the Illinois Board of Higher Education and the Illinois Department of Public Health”

© 2022 by The Nirvana Institute Inc. All Rights Reserved

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West Campus

2201 W. Madison St. Chicago, IL. 60612

P: 312-796-3333

F: 312-600-9239

South Campus

4650 S. King Drive. Chicago, IL. 60653

P: 773-675-4000

F: 773-675-5631

North Campus

3753 W. Fullerton Ave. Chicago, IL. 60647

P: 773-697-8220

F: 773-697-8235

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